What's left at the end of the day...

Rants, rambles, and thoughts!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

As time goes slipping by...

Today I was told that the owner of my job will be resigning on Friday. While I know it doesn't seem as big of news to you guys as it does everyone else, it helps make this summer make more sense. And the more I think about this fact and how it relates to the rest of my working summer, I realize that while this fact may bring a bunch of seemingly unrelated facts to a close. It is also making our world up to purely and entirely venerable.
The lone thought of the projected people in power frightens me, I don't know what to expect and all I can think of is the one fact that how it is interesting, the lone fact that pieces together many idiosyncrasies of the summer, is same fact that is about to come crashing in to the work world we know and create a new, and possibly chaotic place.

I am torn to weather or not I will be asked to take my piercings out, while I don't know how legally or ethically they could do that. I do know that the stores will be under new ownership, and therefore have the right to change their opinions and rework the system. While I know I am mostly competant in my job and while I am even more confidant that they cannot affor to lose me, not becase I rock--but because they are that different.

I think I still just cannot get past the fact that this single bit of information both pieces together and destroys my work world.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Guess what,

I hate my job. Go figure.
So, I actually asked for my raise and as predicted, I got turned down. "Well, Emily, you just had a raise." Well, Teresa, I bust my ass and then some at work and you don't appreciate a damn thing I do. She says clean the ice cream machine, I say fax the directions. I get bitched out too much and not appreciated enough.
I am seriously a step closer to quitting every day. I don't need the job, I'm not desperate for money. I just got a job to pass time and I only keep the job to continue passing time. But it has consumed my entire life. For this pay period alone, I have 111 or some odd hours. That's insane. With two days off, that leaves 12 days to work those hours, averaging about 9.25 hours a day and my last day where I got a break was over 3 weeks ago. It's fucking insane.
I get yelled at for my overtime, well, you fucking write the schedule.

This week they tried to lower my hours and make me work less, as of now, it's three days into pay period, and I have had one day off...and worked 5 extra hours. I also have to come in an extra hour early tomorrow, and about 6 hours early next Saturday.

What ever, my pay checks are bomb ass and I don't remember what it was like to have a life during my breaks. (Breaks from school that is.)

Sleep time.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Workity, Work, Worken

All I do is work, seriously, all I do is work. On days where I do not work, I run out of things to do by noon and am bored. What is wrong with me? What 20 year old works 55-60 hours a week during her summer? I do not need the money, and I can probably do something better with my time.
What gets me the most is the stupidity of this nation. I work with some of the most stupid people around, which sounds totally bad to say, but it is true. It blows my mind that some of the people I work with have to use a calculator to figure change for people. I understand that math is not every persons forte, but the reciept gives you the change to the nearest dollar, which is the hardest part to do.
For example:
On an order that is $9.34, the bottom of the reciept will say ".66 cents," and the hard part is done.
On the happier side, I did buy a wicked nice iPod with my pay check, his name is Melo and I love him real good.